In a world captivated by its fast-paced present, there exists an ever-growing community of treasure hunters and history enthusiasts who seek to unearth the forgotten remnants of our past. Relic...
Posts by Mental Metal
After a very long wait, XP finally released the update to their XP Deus II Metal Detector. The Deus 2 update V1.0 was made available May 15th 2023 but it quickly became an issue for some users. As a...
Minelab X-Terra Pro is Now The Best Metal Detector For Under $300
The best metal detector priced under $300 is the Minelab X-Terra-Pro. The X-Terra only costs $269 and it is packed full of features and it completely outperforms the competition. I have personally...
The WS6 Master and the XP Deus II metal detectors are both made from the same manufacturer, XP Metal Detectors. Both metal machines ARE Deus II metal detectors. However, the WS6 Master is considered...
Is the Minelab Manticore the Ultimate Metal Detector? An in-depth review.
The metal detecting hobby is full of many brands and models to choose from, but one name that always comes up in the conversation is Minelab. Known for producing high-quality metal detectors and...
Minelab has been making a lot front page news lately with their latest revitalization effort to upgrade one of their best selling metal detector, their Equinox. The Equinox has been one of Minelab's...