The XP Deus II or XP Deus 2 is the latest metal detector from XP Metal Detectors. The Deus II comes fully loaded with new features and tools that can help anyone new or experienced find coins, jewelry, relics and more.
As an owner of the original Deus I am happy to report that the new Deus II is more stable, deeper, fully waterproof down to 66 feet, and multi-frequency! These are the features previous owners have asked for and XP Delivered. Plus, XP has added a bunch of audio features that allows the user to configure the metal detector the way they want to hear it. The Deus II is loaded with configuration options.

For some, a metal detectors that are full of features and options can be overwhelming and sometimes turn people away from purchasing a more advanced metal detector. However, this article aims to help those of you who have been looking at the Deus II to remain calm. This new XP metal detector is not hard to use and its really simple to set up. In fact, this article is going to walk you through the basics of the getting the Deus II up in running within a few short minutes. This article also aims to shorten your learning curve in half so you can get out there and enjoy the XP Deus II.
What Are You Going to Learn From This Article?
In this article, I am going to show you several XP Deus Lesson videos that will walk you through step by step how to get your new XP Deus II up and running quickly. However, with any new machine the more time you put on it, the better you will be using it. To fully unleash the power of the Deus II, I recommend having at least 100 hours of time on the detector. Here is an 1887 seated dime I recently dug that was 8 inches down and locked on a target ID of 94.

What Do You Need to Know First?
To learn how to use the XP Deus II takes some patients but you have to avoid pushing buttons and changing settings. Staying in one of the stock search profiles is key. Otherwise your learning experience will not be an enjoyable one and you will just end up 2nd guessing yourself and the Deus II.
The XP Deus II is a Powerful and Loaded Metal Detector.
The Deus II comes loaded with features which is great but too many features can also be a bad thing. Let me explain. The Deus II comes pre-loaded with 12 full functioning search modes (version 0.6). To find our more about the search modes, check out my full review article here. It is very important when you start out with the Deus II that you pick 1 or 2 of the search modes and stick with them. I recommend using the “General” or “Park” search modes.
The stock search programs of the Deus II are really good and they are fully capable of finding coins and other relics buried deep in the ground. There is no need to alter these programs when you are first starting out. In fact, I recommend the following when you first start using the Deus II.
- Stick to 1 search program and learn it well.
- Give yourself 20-40 hours of time using 1 search program.
- Don’t mess around with any of the default settings for the first 20 hours of hunting.
- After 20 hours, slowly start making small changes and test those changes to determine the impact those changes have on your Deus II.
- Listen to the tones. The more you listen the quicker you will start to understand where this machine out performs others. Its all about the tones with the Deus and now the Deus II.
If you follow my recommendations above, I guarantee the Deus II will start making sense and you will cut your learning time in half. The Deus II is a very powerful and capable metal detector. The more you use it the more you are going to like it.
Don’t Believe Everything You Read About The Deus II.
I see so many people posting comments on various forums and Facebook groups that all they seem to be find with Deus II is junk. Let me be clear about Deus II, you will dig your fair share of junk targets (at first). You have to dig a fair share of these junk targets to get your ears tuned into what is junk and what isn’t. There are slight differences in the tones that you have to learn and listen for. The XY screen can help you learn those differences by presenting a visual but the XY display isn’t 100% full proof. Your hearing is what will help you make that decision to dig a target or not. The image below is a result of 2 hunts where I dug every target to understand what I was up against in the beginning.

After spending a couple of hunts digging everything I specifically set out to dig coins only on my third hunt. Notice the junk I am not digging but the number of coins I did dig. The results were from a permission I had hunted hard with both the original Deus, Minelab Equinox and now the Deus II. I was purposely coin shooting during this hunt but I can happily say that I am now picking up coin signals much better and I’m not digging as much junk. Some junks targets will be unavoidable but that is the case with every metal detector.

Test Beds Can Also Shorten Your Learning Curve.
To help shorten this learning curve I also recommend building your own test bed that you can use over and over. Bury junk targets, relics, and coins. Try to go out there for 20 mins every day for 2 weeks and just listen so your brain and hearing register those targets. If you do, this it will make a huge difference in your recovery of good vs bad targets.
But What About The Advanced Features of The Deus II?
This article is designed to get you up and running quickly. The Deus II is packed full of features that we may not cover in this article. However, as you go through the videos below, I gradually take you deeper into the Deus II menu system and by the time you get 100 hours of use on the machine, you should feel comfortable enough to explore those addition features that may not be covered here.
Keep checking back to this article because as I produce new lessons I will link them here in this article.
Let Me Know How You Do.
Good luck and I would love to hear back from you. Drop a comment in the videos and let me know you read this article and tell me what you think and how you are doing with the Deus II. Remember, give it some time and patients and you will really starting enjoying your new XP Deus II metal detector.
XP Deus II Beginner Videos
Lesson 1: How to Power Up, Change Audio Volume and Select a Search Program.
Lesson 2: How-to Ground Balance, Pinpoint, and Use Frequency Scan
Lesson 3: Sensitivity, Reactivity, Discrimination, and Silencer.
Lesson 4: The XY Display – How to Find It and Use it (With Examples)
Lesson 5: Audio Options, How to Make it Sound Sweet!
Lesson 6: Customizing and Saving Search Programs.
Lesson 7: How-to Pair and Unpair the MI6 Pin-pointer.
Other XP Deus II Videos Worth Watching
I’ve also done a few videos that are not necessarily for beginners but they go into detail in a couple of areas that are worth mentioning. The videos below go into details based on the following topics
- How-to compare 2 programs back to back (1 push of a button)
- How to use the bottle cap (BCAP) feature
- Reactivity: Is too much of it bad?
Deus II Video Worth Watching #1: How-To Compare 2 Programs Back to Back.
Deus II Video Worth Watching #2: How-To Use The Bottle Cap (BCAP) Feature.
Deus II Video Worth Watching #3: Using Too Much Reactivity Might Be Bad.
Ready To Get Your Hands on The New XP Deus II?
If you like what you’ve seen so far and I convinced you to try the Deus II but you aren’t sure where or how to pick one up. My friends over at Fort Bedford Metal Detectors can help. They have customers all over the United States and have fast and FREE shipping. Their customer support is awesome and they do have military discounts for you veterans out there (thank you for your service). Please give them a chance to earn your business. Call them today 1-814-215-1732 or visit their website.

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