Welcome to our “NEW” Metal Detecting Find of The Month Page. Each month our Facebook group Metal Detecting Maryland (MDM) holds a contest and votes for their Find of The Month (FOTM). We select between 10-15 photos that are picked for our Wall of Fame and those winning photos are voted on by the MDM members to determine a winner. Here is an example of the Wall of Fame Winners from January 2020 (see below).

The person who wins FOTM will get a feature web page on mentalmetaldetecting.com. I will ask the winner to provide more details about their winning find to get more details about the day it was found etc. Plus, they also get to provide some additional information based on the questions below:
- How long have you been metal detecting?
- What was the first machine you ever used?
- What is your favorite metal detector and what do you like about the machine the most? (Please provide a photo of you and your machine if possible)
- Who inspired you to get into metal detecting?
- What do you consider to be your best find metal detecting? (please provide a photo if possible)
- What is your favorite type of detecting (relic, coin shooting, water etc.)?
- Name 5 items you would like to find in 2019?
- Do you have other social media links, channels etc. you want to share on your page?
These questions really help tell the story of the person who found the FOTM. We love to learn more about our winners and what got them into this amazing hobby. You won’t want miss out on what they share.
Everyone Wins!
Not only does the FOTM winner get featured on my web site, every winning photo that was chosen as one of our Wall of Fame winners will also be featured on the FOTM page! Its a win-win for everyone involved. Here are some of the items found from previous months that went on our Wall of Fame.
How Do You Participate?
So how do you become a member of the facebook group so you can post your finds and have your shot at FOTM? Just go here and request to be a member and that’s it! We usually post a notice sometime around the end of the month which kicks off the contest. Your find must be from that month. NO CHEATING by posting something from last month or 5 years ago! I know you wont.
What Do You Win?
In addition the web page that I build around the FOTM, the winner also gets free advertising for your own website, blog, YouTube channel, company, social media links etc. For those who don’t have much to advertise you can still share your page out to your family members and other Facebook groups or whoever you choose to show them your winning find.
Do You Want to Sponsor Us?
If someone/company wants to sponsor our group and provide the means to do more, I could send out decals t-shirts etc to the winner each month. Please reach out to me (mentalmetal314@gmail.com) if you want to be a sponsor. I can offer advertising for you as well. However, I will be looking for a full year commitment so we can offer something every month until the end of the year. We could do a lot more for this contest so we welcome any support.