Each month our Facebook group Metal Detecting Maryland (MDM) holds a contest and votes for the Find of The Month (FOTM). We select between 10-15 photos that are picked for our Wall of Fame and the winning photos are voted on by the MDM members to determine a winner.
In January 2020, 16 photos were selected and featured as the group’s Wall of Fame Winners. Those winning photos were transformed into the groups wall art (see the image below). The wall art will remain on display for the entire month. The Wall of Fame Winners are also featured below so keep reading.

What Was Voted as The Find of The Month?
Of the 16 photos featured above, only one was voted as the Find of The Month. The item that received the most votes in January 2020 was the Ohio Volunteer Militia (OVM) Buckle from the American Civil War and was found by:
John Young

The Story Behind The Find.
John Young – OVM Buckle
I found the buckle on January 11, 2020, it was the first time I had been out for the year. I had found a couple of bullets and swung over the target with my Garrett AT MAX. I had noticed that I was detecting right beside a spot that someone had been previously deer hunting at because they had left all of their trash just laying there. The signal rang up in the high 70’s to the low 80’s so I suspected that it was going to be a soda can.
I kicked the leaves back and didn’t see anything. I pushed my shovel in the ground about 4” and just rolled the dirt over and what came out had an oval shape. I was almost afraid to take a closer look for fear of getting heartbroken by some oddly shaped piece of metal trash. Once I wiped a bit of the dirt off of it, all I managed to do for about 30 minutes was sit and stare at it! I just couldn’t believe what I had unearthed!
Find Out More About John From His Own Words.

How long have you been metal detecting?
John: For only about three years.
What was the first machine you ever used?
John: Besides A Radio Shack Brand machine when I was a kid, the first one I ever used to relic hunt was a Bounty Hunter Quick Draw II.
What is your favorite metal detector and what do you like about the machine the most?
John: Even though I’ve only had one other “real” machine, I love my Garrett ATMAX. I really love its ease of use and the fact that its waterproof and I can take it anywhere.
Who inspired you to get into metal detecting?
John: Besides my grandparents, who bought me that first Radio Shack detector, and the absolute love of all things civil war since I was a child, I would have to say watching Anthony Hochstetler’s videos on YouTube really inspired me a lot.
What do you consider to be your best find metal detecting?
John: Without a doubt, my OVM belt buckle. That’s going to be a hard one to top!
What is your favorite type of detecting (relic, coin shooting, water etc.)?
John: Relic for sure!
Name 5 items you would like to find in 2020?
John: The matching box or breast plate to the OVM buckle, a CS Buckle, an intact artillery shell, a full bayonet, and a full stirrup.
Do you have other social media links, channels etc. that you would like others to know about?
John: Not currently but I hope to have in the near future.
Check Out Some of John’s Favorite Finds.

Who Are The January Wall of Fame Winners?

Michael Mancuso found this stunning Michigan Militia Button from the American Civil War in Montgomery County, Maryland.

David Barone pulled up a 1659 Spanish Pillar and Waves Cob from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Gary Persinger unearthed this beautiful American Civil War Bayonet in Fayette County, West Virginia

Richard Davey found a 1600’s Spectacle Buckle from Somerset County, Maryland.

Phil Kemmerlin is always pull up some good stuff and this month he found this beautiful 1815 Half Reale from Wicomico County, Maryland.

Keith Sylvester has started off the year with a bang. He found a ground burst Hotchkiss Shell from the American Civil War.

Jason P Hunts found a Schenkl Percussion Fuse from the American Civil War from Richmond, Virginia.

Jason Morgan found this beautiful 1827 Capped Bust Dime from Frederick County, Maryland.

Jason Jones found this stunning Revolutionary War Era Rattlesnake Button from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Evan Shipley found this one of a kind 1850’s Masonic Bridle Rosette from Adams County, Pennsylvania.

Ed Woods dug up this 1738 German Marien Gros in York, Pennsylvania.

Doug Goodyear hit silver already in January. He found this 1835 Capped Bust Half Dime over on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

David Pietroski found this Silver Colonial Cuff Link from Mt. Vernon (Somerset County), Maryland.

Les Sherrill had a great day in January when he dug up this beautiful King George (KG) III over on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Last but not least Frankie Bushong pulled up a Shoulder Scale/Epaulet from the American Civil War somewhere in Central Virginia.

Congratulations to Everyone!
I want to thank everyone who posted their photos and to the MDM board members who helped pick the winners. I also want to thank all of the MDM members who voted for the Find of The Month. If you aren’t a member of this amazing Facebook group you are missing out! Join us today and post your photos to have your shot at getting on the Wall of Fame or possibly voted as having the Find of The Month!